
Can You Lead Outside Your Sweet Spot?

Earlier this year I had the privilege of hosting Heroic Event.  One of the speakers there Kene Iloenyosi discussed Finding Your Sweet Spot, based on the book he wrote with the same name.   My question was, can you lead others when you aren’t in your sweet spot.

The short answer is of course yes, people teach others when they haven’t fully mastered it yet.  In fact, the road to mastery is often found in teaching, oddly enough.  It’s only through teaching that people will put themselves in another’s shoes to see the entire picture of the subject being taught.  If leadership is influence and influence has to do with relationships, then having clarity is more important then just being Passionate, Interested and Talented.  However, when combined with the sweet spot, Leadership can take people to new heights.  John Maxwell is a great example.  A talented, passionate and interested leader was made better when he dived into teaching leadership and actually leading others through leadership.

If you haven’t seen Kene’s Video or talk about “Finding Your Sweet Spot” it’s below, worth the 8 minutes.  If you like his talk, you’ll love his book! 

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