Keys To A Kingdom Driven Marriage
If we get comfortable in our marriage, it can let problems creep in. However, if we approach our marriages with intentionality, as a Kingdom Driven Leader would, we have a chance at success.
If we get comfortable in our marriage, it can let problems creep in. However, if we approach our marriages with intentionality, as a Kingdom Driven Leader would, we have a chance at success.
We tend to extract too much identity from our jobs. That being said we’re spending between a fourth and a third of our lives caught up in work. We struggle to maintain the priorities of God and family with work. Work, however, is often the vehicle God uses to provide for our families and fund the work in the Kingdom. The ultimate key to finding a job you love is knowing yourself.
What do you say to a graduate other than I’m proud of you? Here are 6 pieces of wisdom for graduates straight from the Bible and the “school of life.”
The marriage covenant is often misunderstood or overlooked. However, it could be the most powerful concept in the Bible if properly understood. Once grasped, the language of marriage is easy to see throughout the Bible and is most prevalent in the words of Jesus.
Our communication is a reflection of what’s going on inside us. Our heart has to change, for our words to change. Because loving communication comes from the heart.
Raising kids during a storm is no different than outside the storm. Instead of looking at this storm as a negative, let’s seize the opportunity to spend more time parenting and building relationships with our children. Let’s use this time to craft arrows.
Prioritization is more like making a covenant with yourself rather than a commitment or contract. Meaning, it’s unbreakable, there is no negotiation. There aren’t moments where it’s okay to deviate from the plan. Priorities are something that should ORDER your life and ultimately make your life choices easier. So what does that look like?
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