I’ve been writing in a paper “journal” and doing affirmations in the morning to “improve my attitude.” Nothing comes close to intimate time with God. Here’s what I was writing this morning and thought I would share.
No number of affirmations will correct behavior or attitude without action. It’ll be fake action – going through the motions – without an unsubmitted heart to Jesus. Being grateful though is a state of change, however. It’s easy to complacent in your gratefulness.
This year we’ve had many answered prayers that have gone unnoticed.
- We now have close Godly friends to challenge us
- Our bills are paid and we are able to save and give
- Our kids are healthy and excelling in school – and more importantly are becoming children with integrity
- Even our jobs have become more purposeful
What is my vision for 5 years from now? I hate that I don’t have any other answer then a monetary one. I want what God wants, but I don’t always know what he wants. There’s a cloud, a mystery that won’t unravel but stays stuck the longer I stay think about it. The vision, the dream is out there, not here, it’s in giving, not taking, in submitting not conquering.